Kingman County Commission Minutes 3/1/21

The Board of Kingman County Commissioners met in the Commission Room of the County Courthouse, Kingman, Kansas on March 1st, 2021. Those present:
Jerry Henning, Chairman
Fred Foley, Commissioner
Jack Thimesch, Commissioner
Carol Noblit, County Clerk
John Caton, County Counselor

Visitors Online: Viewer 2; Tammy Miller

Visitors: Kevin Cowan, Gilmore & Bell; Zachary Bieghler, Kingman EMS Director

Staff: Richard Schott, Emergency Manager; Mary Schwartz, Health Nurse; Stan Goetz, HR/Planning/Zoning/Wastewater Director and Charles Arensdorf, Public Works Director

Chairman Henning called the Board of County Commissioners Meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all in attendance.

Chairman Henning gave an invocation.

Chairman Henning asked if there were any additions to the agenda.

No additions were made.

MOTION: Commissioner Foley moved to approve the agenda with no additions. Commissioner Thimesch seconded the motion. The motion was approved upon the unanimous vote of the County Commissioners.

Chairman Henning asked if there was any public comment.

No public comment was made.

Commissioners discussed financing for bridge repairs.

8:38 a.m. Kevin Cowan, Gilmore & Bell representative was in to discuss options for the County to finance bridges.

Commissioners discussed the funding that is needed for bridges and overlay that is needed on roads.

Commissioners would like to move forward on a bond.

MOTION: Commissioner Thimesch made a motion to move forward on a four million bond for bridges over 5 to 6 year amortization. Commissioner Foley seconded the motion. The motion was approved upon the unanimous vote of the County Commissioners.

MOTION: Commissioner Foley moved to approve Resolution 2021-R3, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE OFFERING FOR SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2021, OF KINGMAN COUNTY, KANSAS. Commissioner Thimesch seconded the motion. The motion was approved upon the unanimous vote of the County Commissioners.

Mr. Cowan left the meeting at 9:32 a.m.

9:32 a.m. Zachary Bieghler, Kingman EMS Director was in with the 2021 1st Quarter update and the 2020 Review for the Kingman EMS.

Mr. Bieghler left the meeting at 9:50 a.m.

9:50 a.m. Richard Schott, Emergency Manager was in to discuss the door entrance and if it will remain as monitoring or be opened to the public.

Mr. Schott discussed the trailer that was ordered and it should be delivered soon.

Mr. Schott let the Commissioners know that he received a bill from Witt O’Briens LLC and he will go over it with Ms. Langley.

10:00 a.m. Mary Schwartz, Health Nurse was in with a case update and the current trend is going down.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Commissioner Thimesch moved to go into executive session at 10:10 a.m. with Mary Schwartz, Health Nurse; Stan Goetz, HR and John Caton, County Counselor to discuss an individual employee’s performance pursuant to the exception under the Kansas Open Meetings Act for discussion of non-elected personnel matters of nonelected personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed, and will return to open session in the Board meeting room at 10:21 a.m. Commissioner Foley seconded the motion. The motion was approved upon the unanimous vote of the County Commissioners.

The County Commissioners returned to regular session at 10:21 a.m. and the Commissioners decided to extend an employees vacation for 90 days.

Ms. Schwartz left the meeting at 10:24 a.m.

10:24 a.m. Stan Goetz, HR/Planning/Zoning/Wastewater Director was in with building permits for the following:
Brian & Joyce Lies for a shed in Section 27, Township 27, Range 7
Joshua Fiscus for a house in Section 3, Township 29, Range 5
Travis Garten for a shed in Section 8, Township 27, Range 7

Mr. Goetz reviewed spreadsheets that Tiffany Aumiller had put together for the Commissioners on employee benefits.

The County Commissioners discussed an advertisement being placed in the paper for theft awareness.

Commissioners presented service awards to the following employees:
Charles Arensdorf for 48 years
Mike Woodard for 24 years
Linda Langley for 8 years

11:05 a.m. Charles Arensdorf, Public Works Director was in an requested an executive session for employee performance.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Commissioner Foley moved to go into executive session at 11:05 a.m. with Charles Arensdorf, Public Works Director; Stan Goetz, HR and John Caton, County Counselor to discuss an individual employee’s performance pursuant to the exception under the Kansas Open Meetings Act for discussion of non-elected personnel matters of nonelected personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed, and they will return to open session in the Board meeting room at 11:10 a.m. Commissioner Thimesch seconded the motion. The motion was approved upon the unanimous vote of the County Commissioners.

The Commissioners returned to regular session at 11:10 a.m. and the Commissioners approved shared leave for an employee.

Commissioners signed an agreement for Engineering Services between Kingman County, Kansas and Kirkham, Michael and Associates, Inc. for Kingman County Structure Evan #8 located on NE 160th Avenue(RS 989) and Kingman County drainage structure located on NE 160th Avenue (RS 989).

Mr. Arensdorf let the Commissioners know that oil quotes will be opened on March 8, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. and a tentative start date of March 22, 2021 for Evan #8 RCB Project.

Mr. Arensdorf gave an update on the FLAP project at the Cheney reservoir.

Mr. Arensdorf left the meeting at 11:52 a.m.

Commissioners signed the following abatements:
2021000029 -179.98 2021000031 -218.88
2021000035 -181.36 2021000037 -138.40
2021000041 -16.90 2021000046 -3.16

Commissioners signed the following escapes:
2021000030 +179.98 2021000032 +218.88
2021000034 -84.54 2021000036 +181.36 2021000038 +138.40 2021000042 +16.90
2021000045 +84.66

MOTION: Commissioner Foley moved to adjourn the regular board meeting at 12:02 p.m. Commissioner Thimesch seconded the motion. The motion was approved upon the unanimous vote of the County Commissioners.